Overstretch! It Doesnt have to be BORING! |
BASE Strength! - Ya know... for those base-ic dragonzzzzz |
Plank JacksHow NOT to do plank jacks .... |
Scissor SitupsFront Support |
CATERPILLAR pullsFront support.... with excuses ;) |
Heel Drags - **Do not try in drag** |
Sit ups - For winning at life! |
Deadbug Press - Harder than it looks..... try it |
Wall pushups**Curls**Use small weights, cans, or resistance bands
Shoulder Taps**Skull Crushers |
Arm Circles**I-T-Y |
Frog JumpsSkater Lunges |
Squat JacksReverse Lunge Hops (Mario) |
Around the World LungesSumo Squat taps |
Jump Builders |
Hip Circles |
Reclined Kicks |